The Corrupt DSM-5’s Missing Psychopathy Diagnosis

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is the standard classification of mental disorders used by mental health professionals in the United States and contains a listing of diagnostic criteria for every psychiatric disorder recognized by the U.S. healthcare system. In addition to supplying detailed descriptions of diagnostic criteria, the DSM is also a necessary tool for collecting and communicating accurate public health statistics about the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders.

In October, 2015, the DSM-5 transitioned to using ICD-10 codes for diagnosis, and psychopathy is listed as a diagnosis under Antisocial personality disorder, code ICD-10 F60.2

It is very suspicious that the DSM-5 itself would leave out psychopathy as a diagnosis, since it is a concrete neurological condition. It points to corruption in the APA (American Psychiatric Association), most likely by psychopaths being in control of the DSM-5 publication. Scrutiny needs to placed on David Kupfer, who served as Chair of the DSM-5 Task Force.

Psychopaths know they are different from childhood. They grow up to become more manipulative as time goes by. Society would best be served by diagnosing children so that they can be led to a less destructive life path. And, also schoolchildren should be taught the basics of personality disorders so we all don’t grow up oblivious to the deviant con artistry of the psychopath’s mask.

The missing psychopathy diagnosis in the DSM-5 means that mental health care workers are discouraged from education in pinpointing that specific type of harm to society. The majority of mental health care workers do not know how to identify victims of the extreme abuse of psychopaths, and we are left floundering to do our own research.

Excerpt from Comment submitted by Tina Taylor on October 31, 2016 to “Diagnosing Psychopathy:
Psychopaths are manipulative and dangerous” by Scott A. Bonn Ph.D., Oct 23, 2016


Psychopath TEST Politicians
