A Psychopathic Friend Indeed

Some people can NEVER be trusted. There are roughly 12 million psychopaths in the U.S. alone – could be your family, friends, coworkers, or politicians. They do not belong in policymaking positions. I am running psychopathy awareness campaigns to teach people how to quickly spot a psychopath.


Psychopaths do not care about the consequences of their actions on other people. If you are unlucky enough to be associated with one, you have a good chance of being stomped on. A psychopath has no problem smearing your name, slandering you, abandoning you, cheating you, tricking you, or otherwise causing your downfall.

As if to prove my point – here is an example of my “friend” James posting his disordered drivel to my ad on Facebook.

James the ugly troll

“I’ve known Tina a long time; she’s a con artist, and this is a confidence trick.”


Psychopath TEST Politicians

