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  • Amaterasu Solar 12:34 on March 12, 2016 Permalink | Reply  

    Quite the Opposite – A Short Story for Change 

    PRE-NOTE to My dear reader: The reason I capitalize Human pronouns is that I respect every Human, every sentient, sapient Being, as a co-creator here. I give honor to Us all in this way. You will likely get used to My way of doing things, knowing at the start why I do it that way.



    Quite the Opposite
    by Amaterasu Solar

    I thought it was going to be just an ordinary Tuesday… I walked out of My door and, after turning to lock up, I turned back to see a large spaceship, a typical flying saucer arrangement, covering the full front yard and hovering about ten feet off the ground. Though I wasn’t sure, I got the impression there was a hum just below the range of hearing coming from this ship – I felt it, more than heard it. Before I could utter a sound of amazement, a ramp lowered from the middle of the craft. And down the ramp descended a Humanoid, six feet tallish, thin and with light blue skin, wearing a robe and headpiece of purple, gold, and teal. Though I had no clue whether this Being was male or female, or whether that mattered in the first place, I placed a female persona on Her. She reached the bottom of the ramp and came forward to about five feet in front of Me.

    In My head She spoke. “Dear One, there is important information We need to give You.” There was a brief moment, as I was forming “Okay…” in My mind, that I knew She could see the thought forming, could see Me knowing She could see. A flash and then gone. Again in My mind She spoke: “Dear One, will You come with Me on board?”

    I expected My response of, “…Okay,” to be met with the same knowing We had just shared, but instead, there was the silence of an expectant moment. I thought clearly, Yeah. Sure! But still She stood with expectation and We seemed to have no telepathy at all. I shifted My weight to the other side and with a slight tinge of frustration in My voice, said out loud, “Um, yeah. Sure.”

    The flow of telepathy sense returned and I felt Her pleasure as She turned and stepped beside Me, reaching Her arm behind Me to gently guide Me up the ramp. As We came to the top of the ramp, I could see a circular room from which portals both open and closed broke the surface of the wall. The Being moved towards one open portal, still guiding Me at My side.

    We entered a pie piece-shaped room with a screen, which seemed to be off, on the far wide wall. There were a couple of comfy-looking sofas, where One could sit or recline, making a wide “V” facing the screen. I heard/felt the intent that I should sit down on the right one, which I did, as the Being left My side and posed primly on the one to the left.

    “Dear One,” the Being thought/said, “Your planet is being run by psychopaths and Humanity needs someOne to bring Them a solution.”

    I cringed slightly at a hint of feeling that She might mean Me but that was whisked away with the screen bursting to life and a 3D representation of the planet popping out.

    “Around the globe, through the tool of accounting for the energy You add, making Your very survival contingent on the tokens You get for adding Your energy, the psychopaths, to whom all the wealth on Your planet flows, control Humanity. They are putting on plays that interplay on the face of the planet that is, quite literally, a stage to Them. They trash it and blame “Human nature.” They are psychopaths, not representing the nature of Humans as a whole at all – between primary (genetic) psychopaths and secondary (mind controlled, abused), there are less than ten percent of You that consistently choose psychopathic behavior.

    “They think nothing of the pain and suffering They create, Some of Them believing They are worshiping a god that condones Their heinous, unEthical behavior; Others more cynical, gloating in the power They personally possess.

    “Psychopaths have many of You convinced that Humanity is bad because They do things like releasing GMO into the environment, fracking – which poisons the water supply and destabilizes the earth, experimenting on Humans without Their consent including through what They call “geoengineering” (as if the planet needs to be “engineered”), mandating that poisons be injected into children – and You know They control the vaccine production, the political process, the media, and…the RFID chip, which They want every Human to have so as to better control. They build nuclear plants on fault lines, have Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, and so many other psychopathic things.

    “Through Their media They promote the idea that “Humanity” is destroying the planet. Through Their media They put on plays to sway perception to Their goals. Surely You can’t believe these manufactured “shootings,” with gun control messages from Their corporate-controlled “governments,” are natural, organic events.”

    I had had suspicions… Too much made no sense. But yes, it would make perfect sense if it was all a play, all made up and staged…

    “Dear One, that is exactly what the psychopaths are doing. What do They have that enables Them to do all this?

    “The only tool They have is money, is the accounting for Human energy. In fact… That is the chain of Human slavery, the need to plug Your energy in to “deserve” to live on this planet. The thing is, this planet belongs to All emerging upon/within its soils. The psychopaths have stolen it from You through “trusts” and deceit. And the life-and-death need to account for Human energy was and is the tool They use. They don’t have to do things personally unless They want to. They can pay bullies – strong-arms and armies – to do Their bidding.

    “They own the media, pumping out psyop play after psyop play. They own the schools, teaching bad history and bad science, indoctrinating far more than educating. They own the controlminds….”

    Wait. Controlminds…governments?

    “Yes, dear One. “Controlmind” is more precise in its description, for they all were put in place by the psychopaths in control to create the plays You see to control Your minds – the sandy hooks from 9/11 and before to Sandy Hook and hurricane Sandy hooking inland where They proved, to Those with eyes to see, Their might in controlling the weather… They own the courts. They own the police. They own the military. They own the black projects. They own industry. They own prisons. They own pharmaceuticals. They own medicine. They own research. They own banks. They own food. They own water. They are working on owning air. They are working on dumbing You down, and getting You to consent to whatever They choose to do.

    “And They DO need Your consent. When enough of You are consenting to doing things differently, withdrawing consent specifically to sever all ties, but creating no controversy by refusing to participate in any of Their game, You will see the betterment emerge. Assure Them You will be subject IF They can prove You are subject, not consenting to any of it to begin with. Explain that until that proof is forthcoming, You trust You will not be bullied into compliance, for all that does is prove Some can be bullies. Make Your personal stand there. Once You don’t consent, there is no such proof, and You can expect that, lest You break the three Laws of Ethics, You may come and go and do on this, Your planet, as You please.

    “Humanity needs to know that free energy – which the psychopaths are hiding and actively suppressing and which belongs to Humanity – will free Humanity from the need to account for Human energy, and return ownership of the planet to ALL of You. You no longer need Human energy to get things done that need doing and no One wants to do. You now can build robots to do the dirty work (LOTS of You love building robots, with the most of You, who would love to, WISHING You could afford to). When the abundance of this planet is flowing to all of You, if You want to build robots, join teams to compete for the best solution to a problem a robot can solve (for fame and glory), or otherwise create within Ethics, it is within Your power to do so.

    “Open-source all public works. That it is accepted by so many that there is ANY excuse for proprietary software in “voting” machines makes Us scratch Our heads. Especially since a fifteen-year old Human, who loves to program, could write a program to count votes. Somehow They sold that to You because of money interests.

    “Money, the accounting for a Being’s energy input, is the first tower to psychopaths in power, and We have seen it before. Money promotes psychopaths and They put in place the idea that top-down controlmind is necessary, controlling it and thereby Those of You who consent to it. They always start seemingly benevolent; Some will solve problems for Others. But any time You give power beyond the three Laws of Ethics – which We all are both subject to and judge of – to Some, You draw psychopaths. You wind up with the twin towers to psychopaths in power.

    “With the web, Humanity can govern by solving problems Ethically as they arise, starting locally. Those who care can step in to offer Ethical solutions. If a problem is big enough and cannot be solved locally, wider and wider ranges of People can be made aware, through both tiered web structure on up to a planetary level as well as through personal activism. Best would be a web of servers, non-centralized (no central “backbone”), that mirror one another, with a forum style site which allows problems to be addressed Ethically.

    “If You bring down those two towers, the legal system becomes moot – it is, after all, there to serve commerce, it is the loathsome vine that supports the twin towers – and with all goods and services flowing freely from People who love to provide them and robots if there are not enough People to meet demand, commerce becomes archaic. And so too corporations as they are now, the purpose of which is to make an accounting token profit for investors. Only the three Laws of Ethics need apply, while solving the problems that come up, and not passing “laws” – statutes, acts, bills, codes, regulations, mandates, and all the rest of the legal fiction You operate under because of commerce, policing and breaking Ethics more often than serving them.

    “Remove the profit/control motive, and with the web, education becomes pure and freely available to All, as it should be. Those of You who love to teach, having the ability to, say, make videos and garner the words of appreciation for having done so, will teach. Those of You who want to learn can freely learn about all that interests You. Begin with that freedom as a child and see what betterment You can create. Teach the Betterment Ethic and not Their slave’s creed They call the work “ethic,” with betterment coming from making People smile, creating art, music, dance, growing, researching, programming, investigating, testing, reporting, teaching, inventing, building in organic, abundant fashion.

    “The psychopaths are working to eradicate the family. When You are no longer slaves on this planet, You can return to the family, spend time with the Ones You love. Learn together, explore together, do things together. Enjoy leisure and industry of interest.

    “What You will have left when those towers come down is an Ethical society that supports the principles the controlmind corporations around the globe more or less claim they stand for, but really, it is a sick (psychopathic) joke on All who consent to being ruled by them. The corporations, like THE UNITED STATES, are beholden to Their investors ONLY. Freedom, justice, and the ability to pursue happiness, without having to add energy to survive as richly as One might choose, are not on Their list of priorities. But if You serve those principles, the more One contributes to the betterment, the more One will be remembered.

    “Serve the three Laws of Ethics, only, resolve problems by Ethical consensus, and the principles will be served completely.”

    The Being gestured to the globe.

    “This planet is a rich one. It has enough easily to provide for a hundred times the number here now; it could easily give You ALL Your fill. The psychopaths in control tell lies about “overpopulation,” but really They think there are too many Humans to control. They want total power over the few They intend to be left. And time is running out.

    “They lie about food production, claiming there is a shortage of food, but ignoring the vast amount of waste that is created when food spoils before sale. Distributing Your food by profit creates this waste. In fact, You produce about 125% of the food every One of You could eat, but 30-40% is thrown out. Distributing food by need/desire is what should be, to All of You on Your planet.

    “SomeOne needs to bring this information out Now. And get Humanity to reject the ways that things are being done on the planet now, withdrawing consent and consenting to these better ways of doing things.”

    Another question finally bubbled to My Consciousness: How could someOne like ME accomplish this? I have nothing, really – old, arthritic, alone, living on food stamps…

    “Dear One, You have the interweb. Put forth these ideas. Share them with Many. Those who care and can will do the building. Let Others know that Many need to spread these ideas – and quickly! They plan to start a world war in November of 2016!”

    THIS YEAR!?! I have to share this and change People’s paradigm in less than a year!?!

    “Calm down, dear One. You persevere.”

    Isn’t there anyOne else…

    “Dear One, The Counsel has to this point held a strict rule that We cannot intervene. But things are getting critical, and We were granted the ability to make contact with only One. This is that important.”

    I knew that it was and that seeing things now from this new perspective, knowing that the fate of Humanity on Our planet was at risk, dangerously near a cliff We are being pushed towards, I had to do all I could to make People aware of this solution. I knew I was going to take the challenge on. The enormity still hadn’t hit. I asked:

    But… Why ME!?!

    “You, My dear One, agreed to come on board…”

    With that, She stood and the screen winked off again. I knew I was being encouraged to stand also. I stood, dazed and astonished. She moved to again escort Me, a hand gently resting on My back, and We walked out of the room, across to the ramp, and down. I was looking at My front door and turned around. Everything looked normal – the grass in the yard grew. The tree over there was undisturbed. A bird called from its branches. A car drove by at a safe clip.

    Sitting here now, knowing the task before Me, beginning the process of writing things to post, wondering where to start to post, thinking of how daunting this mission, this geis, is, trying NOT to think of the enormity, thinking only of the tipping point where enough of Us know We CAN do this, I think about what happened. (Gotta look up the three Laws of Ethics – ah. Here they are:

    1. Do not without fully informed consent willfully hurt or kill anOther;
    2. Do not without fully informed consent willfully take or damage anOther’s property; and,
    3. Do not willfully defraud anOther (which can only happen without fully informed consent))

    An ordinary Tuesday? Quite the opposite! If ever, I think, I am asked to get on board another flying saucer…

    Without full negotiation of the terms… Well. I’m never doing that again!




    POST-NOTE to the reader: The date of WWIII is based on the useless eliters’ penchant for putting on Their plays for Us based on numerology. For more, I suggest You check out the YouTube channel of matthew nicholson, and this vid specifically:

    Based on His work, the useless eliters plan to begin WWIII on 11-26-2016, ending it on 7-2-2017… Personally, I don’t consent to any system that leads to war on My planet. “If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war.” No money = no profit…unless the profit is through the heart.


    If all teachers started each lesson with, “From My perspective, these are the facts. Seek Your own grasp if this interests You,” We would see far better education, through Those who teach and Self education, which should be founded in the teachings of Others, and if so, becomes far superior when pursued through interest which is driven by heart.


    Links to articles detailing what is presented in this short story:

    How to Withdraw Consent

    The Abundance Paradigm Foundational Writings

    The Abundance Paradigm – What’s In It for Me?

    Money = Power = Energy

    A Slave’s Creed

    Wearing Black on Thursdays

    Ethical Anarchy vs. Psychopaths in Control


    Thoughts About Teaching Children

    “If You want peace, take the PROFIT out of war.”
    “All money systems promote the most psychopathic to the top of the money/power heap – They will do ANYTHING to get there.”
    • Human 14:10 on March 12, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      “If all teachers started each lesson with, “From My perspective, these are the facts. Seek Your own grasp if this interests You,” We would see far better education…”

      Cultivating and nurturing open minds and critical thinking skills is not simply a matter of adding a disclaimer to each factual statement teachers make. The influences on our thinking are many and complex; to a great extent beyond the awareness of anyone who hasn’t researched the subject in depth.


      • Amaterasu Solar 15:13 on March 12, 2016 Permalink | Reply

        While I agree this is so – I never meant to suggest otherwise, in fact – My point is that cultivating INTEREST would be manifest, as well as the idea that One should investigate, both of which would go a lot further in putting Our children on a path of Self education, which, when founded in the teachings of Others and driven by a true interest, far surpasses what can be taught by Others.

        EDIT to add: It also promotes the idea that some Other could have gotten it wrong – so don’t necessarily believe anyOne until One has done an investigation.


    • Anon 12:01 on April 14, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      I have no idea why Amaterasu Solar is featured here. It gives your blog zero credibility. This is a weird story by a person with a weird name using weird grammar and with a weird website at which he does most of the posting – WTF? It’s like something written by a sixteen year old. Better to publish nothing than to publish crap. Presentation is a BIG part of communication – the local looney can see that there’s something wrong with the world and blather on about it but it doesn’t make him credible.

      Liked by 1 person

      • @GeneticPsycho (Tina) 12:57 on April 14, 2016 Permalink | Reply

        You mean her, not him. Thanks for your opinion. Everyone is entitled. Especially supporters of the cause, like Amy.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Amaterasu Solar 13:26 on April 14, 2016 Permalink | Reply

        Dear One, perhaps You would better critique the ideas presented, given that is what the story was written to convey, rather than the…shillish choice of attacking the messenger. Given that I offer a solution to psychopaths in control, I ponder the choice of calling it “blather…” Heh. Do have a nice life. [smile]


    • Anon 07:52 on April 15, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      Right, I apologise for ranting. However, the presentation of any message – and you have some fundamental basics, much as most religions have the fundamental basics, but also a lot that I disagree with – has a huge effect on the audience. Oh, and I’m not a shill. Just exasperated. It really is a struggle to get past the capitalisations and the use of ‘One’. It’s a bit like reading an old book or some far-out New Age guru. On the internet the writer has a second or two to get the reader’s attention and if not they’re off somewhere else. The idea is to remove as many barriers as possible rather than to create them.

      Equally, the idea is to create credibility rather than remove credibility. Anyone reading your stuff will automatically go to your website if they want to assess your credibility. I appreciate that your website is a reflection of you and your personality but in an era of WordPress and WordPress themes (as an example) the audience has moved on. Our websites are part of our message. The way we use words is part of our message. We’re meant to try and communicate with our audience. Being too different will make us irrelevant.

      “Dear One,” the Being thought/said, “Your planet is being run by psychopaths and Humanity needs someOne to bring Them a solution.”
      (Yes, a lot of us know this now. Professor Hare, psychopathfree.com, psychopathsandlove.com, lovefraud.com etc. The solution is going to come from a lot of us, not one person. The first part of the solution is education. The second part of the solution is spiritual change, and a lot of people are working on that too.)

      “Around the globe, through the tool of accounting for the energy You add, making Your very survival contingent on the tokens You get for adding Your energy, the psychopaths, to whom all the wealth on Your planet flows, control Humanity. ‘
      (Didn’t understand the first part of this. Yes, a lot of wealth flowing to psychopaths. But J.K.Rowlings – psychopath? Bill Gates (probably an aspie). Etc. Not everyone with huge wealth is a psychopath. Also, 1% owns 99% – yes, but someone with a house in London might also be in that 1%. They’re not necessarily a psychopath.)

      They are putting on plays that interplay on the face of the planet that is, quite literally, a stage to Them. They trash it and blame “Human nature.”
      (Agree to a large extent. But there are plenty of neurotypicals in power, and plenty of mentally ill people in power. They’re not all psychopaths.)

      They are psychopaths, not representing the nature of Humans as a whole at all – between primary (genetic) psychopaths and secondary (mind controlled, abused), there are less than ten percent of You that consistently choose psychopathic behavior.
      (Yes, I’ve read ‘Political Ponerology’ as well. Primary psychopaths don’t choose their behaviour.)

      “They think nothing of the pain and suffering They create, Some of Them believing They are worshiping a god that condones Their heinous, unEthical behavior; Others more cynical, gloating in the power They personally possess.
      (Not sure about worshipping a god bit, but yes – this is how Ps are)

      “Psychopaths have many of You convinced that Humanity is bad because They do things like releasing GMO into the environment, fracking – which poisons the water supply and destabilizes the earth, experimenting on Humans without Their consent including through what They call “geoengineering” (as if the planet needs to be “engineered”), mandating that poisons be injected into children – and You know They control the vaccine production, the political process, the media, and…the RFID chip, which They want every Human to have so as to better control. They build nuclear plants on fault lines, have Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030, and so many other psychopathic things.

      (GMO – agreed, we haven’t got a clue what we might unleash. Fracking – partially agree, not convinced we know what we’re doing. GeoEngineering – potentially extremely damaging but we might not have much choice. Vaccines – partially agree, Mercola.com written a lot about that, particularly additives used in vaccines and vaccine companies being exempted from legal damages if things go wrong BUT smallpox eradicated, polio on way to being eradicated. Not all the media is owned by psychopaths e.g. Guardian, Huffington Post. As for RFID chips are you aware that the Singularity is about 20 years away? Before then we’ll probably be wired into the internet or whatever with enhanced capabilities if we hope to keep up with the explosive growth in Artificial Intelligence, so if and when that happens an RFID chip will be the least of our concerns. Nuclear plants on fault lines – good old greed, not necessarily psychopaths, but yes it’s insane. Agenda 21 – conspiracy theory. Agenda 2030 – another conspiracy theory. Both look good to me.)

      “Through Their media They promote the idea that “Humanity” is destroying the planet. Through Their media They put on plays to sway perception to Their goals. Surely You can’t believe these manufactured “shootings,” with gun control messages from Their corporate-controlled “governments,” are natural, organic events.”
      (Yes, sadly they are natural events. Americans are nuts about guns and people kill people. )

      “The only tool They have is money, is the accounting for Human energy. In fact… That is the chain of Human slavery, the need to plug Your energy in to “deserve” to live on this planet. The thing is, this planet belongs to All emerging upon/within its soils. The psychopaths have stolen it from You through “trusts” and deceit. And the life-and-death need to account for Human energy was and is the tool They use. They don’t have to do things personally unless They want to. They can pay bullies – strong-arms and armies – to do Their bidding.
      (I’m not as despairing as you. I don’t see psychopaths round every corner. Yes, there are plenty of them around, and plenty of secondary psychopaths, but there are also plenty of decent people in power)

      “They own the media, pumping out psyop play after psyop play. They own the schools, teaching bad history and bad science, indoctrinating far more than educating.”
      (BS on the schools. Well – maybe in USA. All schools indoctrinate. John Dewey wrote about this over a hundred years ago. A huge number of us think we wasted our time at school. It doesn’t mean psychopaths own schools. It just means cultures want to change slowly. Mandarin is still not being taught in schools in the UK – that’s just the way institutions are. Bad history? A relative term – what history do you want taught? Bad science? Possibly. In what way?)

      “Controlmind” is more precise in its description, for they all were put in place by the psychopaths in control to create the plays You see to control Your minds – the sandy hooks from 9/11 and before to Sandy Hook and hurricane Sandy hooking inland where They proved, to Those with eyes to see, Their might in controlling the weather…
      (WTF? What’s Sandy Hook? Who controls the weather? I’d say global warming controls the weather myself …)

      They own the courts. They own the police. They own the military.
      (No they don’t. I have no doubt there are Ps in all of those institutions at different levels but they don’t own them. You’re seeing psychopaths everywhere. If psychopaths were in ‘complete’ control, like they were in the USSR, we’d know about it. Society would inevitably collapse because psychopaths aren’t capable of building anything long-term.)

      They own the black projects. They own industry. They own prisons. They own pharmaceuticals. They own medicine.
      (SOME psychopaths will be in positions of power SOMETIMES in SOME of these sectors.)

      They own research. They own banks. They own food. They own water.
      (Come on, same as above. Conspiracy theory gone bonkers. Yes, there will be some psychopaths who own some things sometimes)

      They are working on owning air.

      They are working on dumbing You down, and getting You to consent to whatever They choose to do.
      (But there are also a lot of us educating ourselves and others about psychopaths)

      “And They DO need Your consent. When enough of You are consenting to doing things differently, withdrawing consent specifically to sever all ties, but creating no controversy by refusing to participate in any of Their game, You will see the betterment emerge. Assure Them You will be subject IF They can prove You are subject, not consenting to any of it to begin with. Explain that until that proof is forthcoming, You trust You will not be bullied into compliance, for all that does is prove Some can be bullies. Make Your personal stand there. Once You don’t consent, there is no such proof, and You can expect that, lest You break the three Laws of Ethics, You may come and go and do on this, Your planet, as You please.
      (In the USSR consent was slowly withdrawn by people subtly sabotaging the whole process as I understand it e.g. working half-heartedly, siphoning off goods, doing favours for friends without the system knowing about it. In real life withdrawing consent is a simplistic answer. Am I going to withdraw consent from receiving my gas, electricity and water if I suspect psychopaths own them? Am I going to ‘withdraw my consent’ from contributing to the Army if I suspect a psychopath is in charge? Fine words but they mean nothing.)

      “Humanity needs to know that free energy – which the psychopaths are hiding and actively suppressing and which belongs to Humanity – will free Humanity from the need to account for Human energy, and return ownership of the planet to ALL of You.
      (Don’t believe you. Conspiracy theory again. Of all the people working on ‘free energy’ and all the brilliant minds who’re capable of understanding this stuff and have access to the internet you’re saying none of them wants to spill the beans?)

      I’ve run out of energy. There were a lot of sweeping statements in your article that don’t ring true. A lot of conspiracy theories (BTW, have you read Popular Mechanic and the debunking of the 9/11 conspiracy theories?)

      The problem with conspiracy theories is that they can consume us until all we see is conspiracy theories. Grim, dark views lead to further grim, dark visions. Yes, there are psychopaths everywhere. There are also a growing number of people who’re going on spiritual journeys. There are a growing number of people who’re learning about psychopaths. There are an awful lot of decent people. Nearly all of the people in my extended family are decent people. Every teacher I met at my childrens’ school was a decent person. I have decent neighbours. Our societies would not have come this far if psychopaths were completely in charge. They’re incapable of co-operating.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Amaterasu Solar 11:50 on April 15, 2016 Permalink | Reply

        While I appreciate Your frustration, I will point out that I have never suggested that one Person will create what is needed to bring down the twin towers to psychopaths in power. In fact, I have said over and over that it takes enough of Us knowing We have a choice in what We consent to, knowing there are better ways. That is what My work is all about.

        As for “spiritual change…” I doubt that is anywhere near as important as doing things to solve the problem here in 3D+T. If We have to wait for People to change before the problem is solved – it will never be solved.

        Accounting for Human energy = money systems.

        I never said that everyOne who has money is a psychopath (Bill Gates IS, though; His vaccinations are killing, damaging, and making women infertile), just that the Ones to whom the bulk of the wealth on this planet flows are. JK Rowlings is hardly receiving the bulk of the wealth…

        The Ones who are truly in power – the Ones to whom the bulk of the wealth on this planet flows – are all psychopaths. The CEO (president), and the other employees of the foreign-owned corporation, THE UNITED STATES, masquerading as “Our” controlmind (congress, supreme court), are puppets of the corporation.

        We ALL choose Our behavior. Primary psychopaths choose to be cunning, controlling, and even malicious. They are not psychotics. Two different conditions.

        Many psychopaths identify as satanists, and though some satanists worship only Themselves, MANY worship “satan,” “baal,” “saturn,” etc.

        “Geoengineering” is NOT for combating “climate change.” That is the “official story,” about as true as 19 religion-crazed arabs hijacking planes and bringing down three towers… It is for weather control and weather warfare. Any anthropogenic climate change is through HAARP, “geoengineering” adding metals to the atmosphere and changing the electric properties of Our air, and Their weather control. And We must ask why We need “geoengineering” with nanoparticulates of aluminum, strontium, and barium (and biologics and nanotech), which are killing off life on this planet to “save” it. It is fully about power/control.

        If You look at the records, You will see that long before vaccines, disease rates were dropping as good nutrition and sanitation spread. The vaccines did nothing to change the trend and many of the diseases spiked at the intro of vaccines. But vaccines from the start were seen as vehicles to inject Us, experiment on Us, make buttloads of money off Us, and so were promoted as something good. But adding ANYTHING to the bloodstream that the body has never had to deal with from that vector just can’t be a good thing.

        As for the “shootings…” Well, if You do not have the discernment to see the CLEAR BS in ALL of them, and think they are not psyops to push gun and mental health agendas, what can I say. No, We Humans do NOT do these things. Have You stopped to ask why, for centuries with lots of guns, We might see one “event” a century, but only in the last year or two We are suddenly have shootings once a week? Shootings with sketchy details and EVERY ONE accompanied by a drill either shortly before or during, with standard protocol thrown out the window? ALL have family members laughing, smiling, joking the day of or a few days after Their “loved One” was “murdered?” Geez. If You can’t see it all for what it is – an agenda-driven set of psyops – My condolences.

        The psychopaths in power control HAARP & sister facilities, “geoengineering,” and are playing with the weather.

        The Guardian and HuffPo are both VERY MUCH owned and controlled by the psychopaths in control – though sometimes they play the part of controlled opposition.

        About this “singularity…” I think it’s BS. But You can believe as You wish.

        If Agenda 21, etc., look good to You, You drank the koolaid. In fact, based on Your responses here, I will have to suggest You have consumed quite a bit of it. YOU think it’s cool to pack Humans into cages, use Them as slaves, monitoring Them 24/7, stripping Them for freedom on this planet that belongs to Them? While the useless eliters live the high life? Wow. Just wow.

        You missed the Sandy Hook psyop…?

        If You don’t think that psychopaths pull the strings at the top of the courts, the police, and the military, You aren’t grasping the depth of the doo We are standing in. [sigh] Too much koolaid… Lest You missed it, We ARE collapsing, but You underestimate psychopaths (still equating Them with psychotics…?). They MANUFACTURED the collapse.

        I don’t see psychopaths “around every corner,” but I can clearly see that They are there at the top. 95% plus are NOT psychopaths, but They are not in control. The Ones to whom the bulk of the wealth flows are. And dear One, when You get to the bottom, You find that any corporation worth millions/billions IS owned by psychopaths in control. The money trail may be long, and it may appear on the surface this is not so, but worm around long enough and You will discover this.

        Let Me ask… Given that conspiracy is the norm throughout history, why would We think Now is any different? At this point, I have addressed the bulk of Your comment – I could continue, but until You grasp that conspiracy is what We should EXPECT, that it is what People who want power over Others DO, I would guess I might as well discuss this with the wall…

        Thanks for Your thoughts.


      • Amaterasu Solar 12:16 on April 15, 2016 Permalink | Reply

        Oh, and yes, I went through PopMech’s pathetic attempt to prop up the official story of 9/11, finding vast disingenuousness, faulty data, bad analysis, and lies.


    • Anon 12:41 on April 15, 2016 Permalink | Reply


      As you said, just wow.

      I think I’ll stick with the reputable websites.

      Wow again.


  • Tina (GeneticPsychosMom) 09:53 on March 12, 2016 Permalink | Reply
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    Are We Going to Elect a Psychopath? 

    Psychopath Test all policymakers

    By Robert Rabbin

    A quick look at some of today’s headlines referring to the U.S. presidential candidates’ debate and campaign trail performances include these words: racist, insane, crackpots, weirdos, bizarre, nonsensical, disaster, fear, hate, narcissist, fascist, Mussolini, psychopath, Hitler.

    Psychopaths and Hitler vying for the White House? Seriously? Let’s hit the pause button and let this sink in, before we are swept away by the next news cycle — coming in a few minutes. Let’s have a deeper look at the real possibility that we might well elect a psychopath in 2016. Policy proposals and position statements, rehearsed talking points, bombast, bravado, soaring promises — these are not reliable indicators of the actual mental make-up of candidates.

    At the moment, the only requirements for holding office are set forth in Article II, Section I of the U. S. Constitution. It specifies that, to be president or vice president, a person must be a natural-born citizen of the United States, at least 35 years of age, and a resident of the United States for at least 14 years. That’s it; nothing more. Except tons of cash.

    With the entry requirements for candidacy being so low, what is to prevent a host of moneyed crazies from running for president, even being elected? Apparently, nothing at all. How are we to know if candidates for president are mentally sound and emotionally mature and stable?

    How can we, the citizens who are charged with making wise and considered choices about who becomes president, evaluate whether a candidate is mentally sound or suffering from mental illness? We do not have that kind of access to candidates, who we finally empower to set our national priorities, influence public policy, command the military, raise or lower taxes, establish budgets, maintain or violate treaties, assemble a cabinet, and so much more. We can only witness manufactured, media-based performances that are scripted and rehearsed to produce an effect. We need to get behind the curtain of smoke and mirrors, behind the misdirection antics of press secretaries and publicists, to see who is really pulling the levers. We need a way to ascertain the mental health of presidential candidates before they are granted world-shaking powers.

    Are we in danger of electing a psychopathic president?

    In his 2005 collection of essays entitled A Man Without a Country, American novelist and wise elder Kurt Vonnegut offers some insight into how this can happen:

    “To say somebody is a PP (psychopathic personality) is to make a perfectly respectable medical diagnosis, like saying he or she has appendicitis or athlete’s foot. And so many of these heartless PPs now hold big jobs in our federal government, as though they were leaders instead of sick. What has allowed so many PPs to rise so high in corporations, and now in government, is that they are so decisive. Unlike normal people, they are never filled with doubts, for the simple reason that they cannot care what happens next. Simply can’t. Do this! Do that! Mobilize the reserves! Privatize the public schools! Attack Iraq! Cut health care! Tap everybody’s telephone! Cut taxes on the rich! Build a trillion-dollar missile shield! Fuck habeas corpus and the Sierra Club and In These Times, and kiss my ass!”

    Ah, yes: socialized psychopaths.

    In Without Conscience, Dr. Robert D. Hare, one of the world’s foremost authorities in the area of psychopathy, says that such socialized psychopaths “appear to function reasonably well — as lawyers, doctors, psychiatrists, academics, mercenaries, police officers, cult leaders, military personnel, businesspeople, writers, artists, entertainers and so forth — without breaking the law, or at least without being caught and convicted. These individuals are every bit as egocentric, callous, and manipulative as the average criminal psychopath; however, their intelligence, family background, social skills, and circumstances permit them to construct a façade of normalcy and to get what they want with relative impunity.”

    Most alarming of all is the theme that runs through the case histories of all psychopaths: a deeply disturbing inability to care about the pain and suffering experienced by others — in short, a complete lack of empathy. If this inability to experience or care about others’ pain and suffering marries compulsive lying in the Church of No Conscience, presided over by impulsivity — well, good lord, that’s a train wreck for sure.

    Should we be concerned that such a person would become president of the United States? A checklist of emotional and interpersonal traits of such people would include: a grandiose sense of self-worth, pathological lying, lack of remorse or guilt, shallow emotions, lack of empathy, poor behavioral controls, lack of realistic long-term plans, impulsivity, and irresponsibility. Do we really want a president whose core behavioral patterns include lying, cheating, cruelty, irresponsibility, lack of remorse, poor relationships, exploitation, manipulation, destructiveness, irritability, and aggressiveness?

    We can't feed the poor, but we can fund a war?It is unconscionable to elect a president who lacks empathy and conscience, honesty and integrity, and mature impulse control. Shouldn’t these qualities represent the minimum standard of mental health for someone who is commander-in-chief of the largest military force in the world and who has virtually unlimited power to affect the lives of billions of people?

    So, I propose that all candidates submit to a battery of psychological tests to be administered and interpreted by eminent psychologists — and the results made public. I’m surprised this hasn’t already occurred. After all, psychological tests, along with drug and polygraph tests and background investigations, are routinely required in the public safety sector, including police officers, correctional officers, dispatchers, security guards, park rangers, SWAT teams, fire fighters, and emergency medical technicians. Military psychologists conduct psychological testing and applicant assessment for general fitness-for-duty and for highly sensitive jobs requiring security clearances. (It’s interesting to note that the Department of Defense employs more psychologists than any other organization or company in the world.) Courts may sometimes order a battery of psych tests to determine parental fitness. Work-related aptitude, ability, and personality trait testing, a billion dollar industry, is common practice in Fortune 500 companies. In a document entitled “Nuclear Security—Before and After September 11,” the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission “requires background checks for nuclear facility employees to ensure that they are trustworthy.

    I’d like to have an equivalent screening process for candidates for president. I’d like to know that they have a human heart that can feel the pain and suffering of others. I’d like to know they have a conscience to hold their base instincts in check. I’d like to know if they can tell the truth or whether they are compulsive liars. I’d like to know they can work cooperatively with others. I’d like to know that they are not seeking to conquer the world as compensation for lovelessness. I’d like to know that they respect living things, that they have a sense of the sacred. I’d like to know that their soul moves toward peace, not war; toward forgiveness, not vengeance; toward freedom, not oppression; toward tolerance, not hatred. I’d like to know these things. This is where I want to set the bar.

    There are a number of valid and reliable tests used to evaluate and assess a person’s personality traits and psychological health. The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) can provide a comprehensive assessment of adult psychopathology and can help assess major symptoms of social and personal maladjustment.

    Personality tests and inventories evaluate the thoughts, emotions, attitudes, and behavioral traits that comprise personality. The results of these tests determine an individual’s personality strengths and weaknesses, and may identify certain disturbances in personality, or psychopathology. Tests such as the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory MMPI-2) and the Millon clinical multiaxial Inventory III (MMPI-III), are used to screen individuals for specific psychopathologies or emotional problems.

    In 1972, George McGovern initially selected Thomas Eagleton, a senator from Missouri, as his running mate. What McGovern didn’t know at the time was that Eagleton had been treated for depression with electroshock treatments. In the eyes of many Americans, that meant Eagleton was not fit to be president, and as a result of the public disclosure of these facts, McGovern asked Eagleton to resign.

    My guess is that in the eyes of most Americans, a psychopath is not fit to be president.

    Excerpt from “Are We Going to Elect a Psychopath?” by Robert Rabbin, March 2016


    Psychopath Test Politicians

    • Amaterasu Solar 12:25 on March 12, 2016 Permalink | Reply

      The answer is “no,” not because the One that “wins” will not be a psychopath, but because the foreign-owned corporation, THE UNITED STATES, masquerading as “Our” controlmind, is NOT going to let Us choose Their CEO… “Elections” are there to make Us THINK We have a choice. Registering to vote is consenting to the rule of the corporation, submitting Oneself to it. In the end, the One the corporation chose will “win.” Presidents are SElected, not elected.

      Liked by 1 person

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