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  • Tina (GeneticPsychosMom) 22:54 on December 11, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Donald Trump, , , , , ,   

    Kakistocracy: “Government by the worst people.” 

    If we were watching a satirical TV series in which the President of the USA re-tweeted deeply offensive messages without checking their veracity or source, the ability to switch off the screen or choose a different programme might make the events seem like a poorly written script. Because the show would have been poking fun at the so called leader of the free world in an extremely far-fetched manner, some of us might enjoy the programme despite its absurdity. If the programme gained enough popularity, the real life President might even be asked if he had ever been tempted to tweet something outrageous and no doubt the real President would turn that into a joke and move on to the much more important issues such as how to deal with poverty and healthcare, how to ensure that all US citizens feel equal despite the colour of the skin or their gender and how to deal with matters across the rest of the free world.

    The fact that this is not satire and Trump has chosen to defend himself by suggesting he is not the problem and has called on his press team to claim the real problem is the rest of the world shows just how weird life has become. This is particularly disturbing when in real life, men and women in various positions have lost their jobs for the unprofessional use of social media. Meanwhile back in the UK the recently resigned Secretary of State for International Development has just proposed improving our prospects of a clean Brexit by telling the rest of the EU to “sod off”. This sort of language in public from a leader in virtually any other profession would at the very least bring a reprimand to the person concerned, however the voters in Witham are in no position to challenge Ms Patels words, even though she is paid to represent them. Elsewhere in our country a previous leader of the Conservative Party who was Home Secretary for 4 years and is qualified as a QC has just had a conviction quashed for failing to complete a form correctly, even though he did not fill it out as he should. While he did not design the form himself, it is one of the documents that his old department were responsible for creating. The numbers of people who have been denied justice or benefits because they have failed to complete badly designed forms properly, runs into tens of thousands. Their position in life and wealth however mean that unlike Michael Howard, most simply had to take such matters on the chin.

    The truth is that the behaviour of a select group of our political leaders has reached a level that is so low, it is hard to imagine that things could get any worse. A recent analysis of the House of Lords identified around 90 Peers who had voted or asked questions less than 5 times in the year, yet between them had claimed over £500,000, so along with the privilege of being a member of the upper House they have each benefited from an average of £6,000 of public money for their attendance and other expenses. Along with the examples above there are numerous cases such as those of Boris Johnson, Michael Fallon, Damien Green etc who have brought their previously high office into disrepute. Yet behind these people or perhaps above them, there are many MPs, Peers, Councillors and MEPs whose hard work on our account barely gets a mention on TV or in the newspapers. It seems as though we need some way of truly holding our representatives to account and rewarding those who distinguish themselves by working hard in their roles. One person whose name comes to my mind is Frank Field who was elected in 1979 so he has been an MP for 38 years which is a huge length of time. Although I have disagreed with him on many occasions, he has achieved a huge amount of good. The same could be said for the current group of MPs in our City who between them have served a mere 10 years as MPs but all seem to work hard for our city. At a more local level, Tracey Hill is an extremely hard working Councillor in my ward and peers such as Tanni Grey-Thompson and Janet Whitaker do a stirling job on the red benches. They are of course not alone and many others could be listed. It seems that we need to find a way of applauding their hard work, just as we need a way of dismissing those who take unreasonable advantage of their position in our nation and bring the roles into disrepute.


    TrumpIf we were watching a satirical TV series in which the President of the USA re-tweeted deeply offensive messages without checking their veracity or source, the ability to switch off the screen or choose a different programme might make the events seem like a poorly written script. Because the show would have been poking fun at the so called leader of the free world in an extremely far-fetched manner, some of us might enjoy the programme despite its absurdity. If the programme gained enough popularity, the real life President might even be asked if he had ever been tempted to tweet something outrageous and no doubt the real President would turn that into a joke and move on to the much more important issues such as how to deal with poverty and healthcare, how to ensure that all US citizens feel equal despite the colour of the skin or their…

    View original post 636 more words

    • Jul 08:57 on December 26, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      The world is a funny place. You see history of bad things taking place and countries getting systematically destroyed. You wonder how it happened. You see works of fiction such as 1984 and so forth that explain bad things taking place and it looks surreal.
      So far no one seems to ask the question we should all be asking. What is the emotional and mental make up that leads to situations resulting in mob rule and destructions of functional republics(like this one) and what is it that makes democracies unworkable as a system of government?
      What exactly is thought-crime? How does that relate to psychopathy? Who gets to pick who has correct thoughts?
      Is man free to choose his own destiny? Answer truthfully! If you truly believe that, why would you attack people, knowing that you, yourself are not perfect?
      The next time that there is an upheaval around you, and you see your own neighborhood and everything you worked for destroyed, do not question how it happened. Sit down and think. You will see then, if you look long enough, and have enough endowment in the life force, that you did it yourself. Hopefully, it will not be too late by then.
      There is a reason that leadership is trusted to a few. You can not legislate life out of existence, Tina, but you only harm yourself in trying. There are people more endowed than you are. It’s a fact of life. By the way, The US is not a democracy. It is a republic. There is no direct vote. That way, you can not whip up mobs to get what you want and satisfy your emotional whims based on negative attitudes towards life.
      2021 is coming. Buckle up! It’s a bumpy road ahead.


  • Tina (GeneticPsychosMom) 18:06 on October 28, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Donald Trump, , , , , , ,   

    National Character Counts Week: Welcome to Pathocracy 

    “There is nothing accidental about the destruction narcissistic psychopaths, especially in power, inflict on the world. Destruction is coded in their character defect. They not only lack empathy and conscience, which makes them incapable of understanding human values, but they are driven to hurt and destroy everyone and everything that stands on their way to power and self-aggrandizement, and/or reminds them of their weaknesses. It is not a question of IF a narcissistic psychopath in power will destroy his world, but how soon.”

    good marriage central*

    Image result for trump offends soldiers widow“The presence or absence of conscience is perhaps the deepest human division.”

    Ian Hughes

    Last week Donald Trump put another nail in the coffin of health care for American citizens, especially the most vulnerable ones; undermined the painstakingly drafted and internationally supported Iran nuclear deal; challenged his Secretary of State to an IQ test; chastised residents of Puerto Rico for their audacity to suffer and die in a hurricane-caused mayhem, and berated football players for their willingness to protest racial injustice. He also proclaimed the next six days, October 15 to 21, National Character Counts Week.

    Yes, you have read that correctly.

    The man who lies easier than he breathes (there is that perpetual snort, you know), who takes sadistic pleasure in the pain and suffering of others, and who lives for adulation and revenge without any efforts at disguising his destructive motives, lectures America about character.

    Let it…

    View original post 2,550 more words

    • nowve666 19:06 on October 28, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      “The presence or absence of conscience is perhaps the deepest human division.–Ian Hughes”

      They call this kind of thinking “splitting.” It’s all or nothing. Those with a conscience are good, or, at least, can be good. Those without are “evil.” You should know by now that one doesn’t need a conscience to be a decent human being. May I suggest “https://kiasherosjourney.wordpress.com/2016/01/22/can-a-psychopath-be-good/ Can I Psychopath be Good?” or “https://kiasherosjourney.wordpress.com/2016/04/16/free-to-choose/ Free to Choose?”

      There are plenty of divisions of humanity besides the presence of absence of conscience. How about cowardice vs. courage? Or intelligence vs. stupidity? Or wisdom vs. folly?

      You have been going into Trump’s misdeeds in great detail. But what about the fools who voted for him? They can’t all be psychopaths. I have read that a study found most conservatives have an enlarged amygdala in the area of fearfulness. These fools support the same policies as Trump but they are mostly NTs. Meanwhile, there are psychopaths who are politically progressive. I don’t think Trump, himself, is really a conservative. I think he’s an opportunist. He has embraced the politics that got him into office. That hardly makes him a good person. He’s an asshole. But attaching a diagnosis to him as professionals, who should know better, have done and many more laypeople keep doing adds nothing to understanding the problem. The problem is we have a government that is politically on the wrong path. The problem with Trump is his politics, not his personality.

      I agree with the Goldwater Rule: Don’t “diagnose” a political figure without the clinical support that it takes to correctly make a diagnosis. Whether he is a psychopath, a narcissist or an NT, Trump has a dreadful agenda. As the Bible says, “By their fruits shall ye know them.”


      • James 11:39 on October 31, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        “The problem is we have a government that is politically on the wrong path. The problem with Trump is his politics, not his personality.”

        He does have a repellent personality as well, however.


    • nowve666 14:40 on October 31, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      The biggest problem I see is in the morons who voted for this turkey and even still support him. I just read your “Holding back the tide” post about psychopaths using cognitive empathy to make the world a better place if only for our own advantage. I have wanted to do this for years. I have marched in political protests, even volunteered. But current events have made me feel so cynical that I can’t bring myself to even want to save the world. While I realize that’s wrong since there are some people worth saving, the massive stupidity that seems to move the planet is just overwhelming. My current attitude is “apres moi le deluge.” I wish I could care. It would make life more interesting.


      • James 07:32 on November 2, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        For some, changing the world is about leaving a tangible mark on the place after they’re dead. I can see why you might not be interested by that, since your death seems inconsequential to you.


    • nowve666 14:40 on November 2, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      I would change the world if I could. But the tiny impact I would have compared to the enormous effort it would take on my part. How about you? Are you active? You know, I just read that the DNC admitted they rigged the primary. And these jokers want me to donate to them? The kept a candidate who could have won from running and put Hillary there. She ran the most lackluster campaign I ever saw. It’s their fault we have Trump. With friends like that, who needs enemies?


  • Tina (GeneticPsychosMom) 09:15 on March 19, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , Donald Trump, , , , , , , , , , ,   

    The Cruel Reign of Donald the Wicked 

    King Donald the Wicked

    The theme that unites all of Trump’s initiatives so far is their unnecessary cruelty.

    1.) His new budget comes down especially hard on the poor – imposing unprecedented cuts in low-income housing, job training, food assistance, legal services, help to distressed rural communities, nutrition for new mothers and their infants, funds to keep poor families warm, even “meals on wheels.”

    These cuts come at a time when more American families are in poverty than ever before, including 1 in 5 children.

    Why is Trump doing this? To pay for the biggest hike in military spending since the 1980s. Yet the U.S. already spends more on its military than the next 7 biggest military budgets put together.

    2.) His plan to repeal and “replace” the Affordable Care Act will cause 14 million Americans to lose their health insurance next year, and 24 million by 2026.

    Why is Trump doing this? To bestow $600 billion in tax breaks over the decade to wealthy Americans. This windfall comes at a time when the rich have accumulated more wealth than at any time in the nation’s history.

    The plan reduces the federal budget deficit by only $337 billion over the next ten years – a small fraction of the national debt, in exchange for an enormous amount of human hardship.

    3.) His ban on Syrian refugees and reduction by half in the total number of refugees admitted to the United States comes just when the world is experiencing the worst refugee crisis since World War II.

    Why is Trump doing this? The ban does little or nothing to protect Americans from terrorism. No terrorist act in the United States has been perpetrated by a Syrian or by anyone from the six nations whose citizens are now banned from traveling to the United States. You have higher odds of being struck by lightning than dying from an immigrant terrorist attack.

    4.) His dragnet roundup of undocumented immigrants is helter-skelter – including people who have been productive members of our society for decades, and young people who have been here since they were toddlers.

    Why is Trump doing this? He has no compelling justification. Unemployment is down, crime is down, and we have fewer undocumented workers in the U.S. today than we did five years ago.

    Trump is embarking on an orgy of cruelty for absolutely no reason. This is morally repugnant. It violates every ideal this nation has ever cherished. We have a moral responsibility to stop it.

    Excerpt from: Robert Reich: 4 Reasons the Trump Administration Is Unspeakably Cruel, March 17, 2017

    Robert B. Reich has served in three national administrations, most recently as Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton. His latest book is “Saving Capitalism: For the Many, Not the Few.” His website is http://www.robertreich.org.

    Photo courtesy https://twitter.com/kingdonaldtrum1


    Psychopath TEST Politicians



    • Amaterasu Solar 11:33 on March 20, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      I wish I could post a graphic here… I have one I have been tweeting out that says:

      Cut the military
      Feed the poor
      I do not
      Consent to war!

      Yes, Grump is another psychopath puppet for the psychopaths in control, and again, I suggest We withdraw Our consent from systems that promote psychopaths. My latest article:

      I AM anti-New World Order – A Better Way


      • James 15:21 on March 20, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        You’re still an author here, so you should be able to put any image you like in a new post (as long as it’s of a certain common type supported by WordPress – .jpg, .png, .gif etc). I certainly can.


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