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  • Tina (GeneticPsychosMom) 06:32 on October 15, 2018 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , Authoritarians, , callous unemotional, , , , degenerate, divide and conquer, evil, , , , , , , misogynist, , , psychiatry, , psychopath test politicians, self-serving, , , Trump, word salad   

    How To Explain Trump To Kids – A Lesson in Personality Disorders 


    “Remember the other day at the playground when that bully said, ‘I don’t care about you. I only care about me!’ Imagine if that kid ran the country.”

    via How To Explain Trump To Kids – Dad and Buried

    by Mike Julianelle







    • Amaterasu Solar 11:42 on October 15, 2018 Permalink | Reply

      Good article but for the fact that He seems to yet think the LARP that is politics is “reality.” It is scripted and played out on the literal world stage, the script written, the characters cast, the directing from the wings, by the psychopaths in control.


      • GeneticPsychosMom (Tina) 09:15 on October 17, 2018 Permalink | Reply

        I don’t see what you are talking about – that he shows a belief in politics is “reality”? To me, he’s just making a point about Trump in particular.

        Liked by 1 person

        • James 20:51 on October 18, 2018 Permalink | Reply

          She’s talking about the fevered imaginings of her mind, brought about by a delusional psychosis.


  • Tina (GeneticPsychosMom) 08:21 on December 15, 2017 Permalink | Reply
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    Kakistocracy: You Asked for It 

    Ajit Pai Unmasked Psychopath?

    FCC Chair Ajit Pai Unmasked Psychopath?

    Many have accused FCC Chairman Ajit Pai of being a telecom shill between his background as a former Verizon lawyer and his determination to ignore all public input (not to mention complaints about comment bots) as he kills net neutrality. And apparently, his attempts at joking about it are only reinforcing those views. Gizmodo has obtained video of Pai trying to roast himself at the Federal Communications Bar Association’s annual event, including a pre-recorded skit where an actual Verizon executive (senior VP Kathy Grillo) talks about wanting to “brainwash and groom a Verizon puppet” to become the FCC chairman, with Pai responding that it sounds like an “awesome” idea.

    Aside from the jokes falling flat, there are all kinds of problems with the routine. To start, FCC officials shouldn’t be joking about being shills. Whether or not they have industry backgrounds (like former Chairman Tom Wheeler), they’re supposed to take corruption allegations seriously instead of turning them into comedy sketches. The humor fails in part because there’s a painful degree of truth to it — it wouldn’t have come up if Pai weren’t pursuing the exact deregulation policies that major telecoms want. And crucially, telecom executives shouldn’t ever be involved. If anything, Grillo’s inclusion in the skit supports accusations that Pai is on the take, since he’s clearly cozy enough with Verizon to recruit one of its VPs for a gag.

    For that matter, why would a Verizon executive agree to appear in a skit that makes light of corruption, especially knowing that the video might become public and damage the company’s reputation?

    Excerpt from “FCC Chairman Ajit Pai ‘jokes’ about being a Verizon shill” by Joe Fingas, December 9, 2017


    Psychopath TEST Politicians



    • nowve666 10:15 on December 15, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      What an arrogant little pup! But that’s life under Trump. You probably think Ajit is acting like a typical psychopath. To which, I would reply not all bad behavior is indicative of psychopathy. This whole regime is like an alternate “reality,” a dystopian nightmare (or is that a double negative). Thank gods, we still have recourse to legal challenges. That can delay implementation long enough for a new government. Jones’ election in Alabama is a sign the tables are turning. And that arrogant pup, Moore, refusing to concede has got to be for the purpose of letting McConnell delay seating Jones so he can push through that dreadful tax bill before he is seated. I read that a sizeable group of Trump supporters are evangelicals who think Trump was chosen by “God” to bring about Armageddon. So the worse Trump does, the happier they are. They want the world to end. If that isn’t psychotic, it’s pretty damned close. Which is an excellent opportunity for me to point out that people who aren’t psychopaths can do things politically that are as bad if not worse than what a psychopath could do. Instead of testing politicians for psychopathy, maybe we should be testing voters for insanity. (I say this tongue-in-cheek as I know what an impossibly bad idea it would be to test voters. I haven’t forgotten the literacy tests under Jim Crow. I wish I could really think of a way to protect ourselves from crazy voters but, as someone said, “Democracy is a bad form of government but all the others are so much worse.”)

      Liked by 1 person

      • GeneticPsychosMom (Tina) 10:22 on December 15, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        Anyone can be antisocial and corrupt. It is not necessarily the antisocial political moves that raise my suspicion of psychopathy. It is Ajit Pai’s gloating and glee over his foul actions that appear to be psychopathic.


        • James 13:26 on December 19, 2017 Permalink | Reply

          You’re probably right there. Non-psychopathic politicians tend to be embarrassed by their own destructive actions. Makes you question what embarrassment / guilt is for when it doesn’t prevent moral shittery.

          Happy Christmas to you both and / or happy hanukkah to Fran.

          Liked by 1 person

        • TypicalCritter 11:01 on December 27, 2017 Permalink | Reply

          I agree.

          Non-psychopathic politicians often see a world that’s heavily colored by their own ideology, then add the fact that people who are good at lying, are also often even better at believing the lies they tell themselves. Behavioral brakes like embarrassment / guilt can be useful to have, but they are even more useful if people take the time to reflect over their own actions sometimes.

          Liked by 1 person

          • GeneticPsychosMom (Tina) 17:54 on December 27, 2017 Permalink | Reply

            I think that the atmosphere of the political parties makes it into a gang or mafia type of expected loyalty situation. Nobody wants to be outcast, because they will be minimized and their voice will not be heard. The worst people then gain control of the best people in groups like that.


  • James 12:25 on October 31, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , evil, , if you read this tag type 'banana' in the comments, , , , ,   

    Holding back the tide. 

    A reader asked:

    “Do you think a psychopath could see the benefit of utilizing cognitive empathy……since we all live in this planet? Our governments and corporations are run by psychopaths and the abuse is rampant and detrimental to the species since trauma shrinks the brain and in all honesty those who lack empathy are a special kind of stupid. Why can they not see that it is to their advantage to give a shit about others even if it’s for the selfish reason of reducing the bullshit they get from people in the long term. Plus it would increase the average IQ and improve everyone’s living conditions. Why wouldn’t a psychopath want that? Can’t you learn to use your abilities for good?”

    Thanks, ‘bunny foo foo’ (http://en.gravatar.com/hsousse), you’re right. Some of us are intelligent enough to realise this, and modify our behaviour accordingly.

    However, sometimes old habits die hard, and we are only human. I have recently done some stuff which definitely wasn’t part of the plan to “be good” and in the longer run has proved destructive for myself as well as others; at the time, though, it was just fun to let loose and cause a bit of destruction. Yes, fun.

    What you have to understand is the majority of psychopaths have, to a greater or lesser degree, a sadistic streak, and all crave regular stimulation and excitement. So, unfortunately, conflict is inevitable, even with psychopaths who have a desire to be more conscientious.

    I’m not saying it’s not my fault. I still have a free will and the ability to make rational decisions, but when making decisions that are in the interests of everyone, I am fighting against my instincts and genetic programming.

    If you want to understand what that’s like, try to imagine yourself doing something which you think immoral, say kicking a puppy while wearing heavy boots, or deliberately saying something to make your mother cry. If you have any sort of imagination, you can probably feel some sort of discomfort just at the thought, as though your body and mind are already resisting the actions which don’t come naturally to you. It’s difficult attempting to be something you’re not, even for a while.

    None of this is an attempt to excuse past or present misdeeds, this is just a way of improving understanding, and breaking the empathy barrier that exists between you, dear reader, and me.

    Perhaps you can recall a time when you tried to act in a way contrary to your nature, and found it more difficult than you thought. If you ever have, let us know in the comments. We might find common ground on which cognitive empathy can grow and flourish.

    • Amaterasu Solar 11:17 on November 4, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Sorry it took so long to get to reading this – life has a penchant, it seems, for getting in the way. LOL! I do admire You, James, for Your awareness, if not for choices of a psychopathic nature You make.

      I can honestly say that I have never chosen to do anything that was not of My nature – but I can envision it well – the idea of kicking an innocent creature hurt My heart, and I don’t know what I might say to make anOther cry… I cannot imaging WHY I would want to, and motivation would be the birth of ideas on things to say.

      Still, (ironically) I can empathize with Your dilemma. Being sadistic at times and having to choose between that and something that would keep seas calm would add conflict within.


    • bunny foo foo 07:10 on November 6, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Thank you for writing this. I am trying to figure out what exactly I am. I think I am something like “Dexter”. I didn’t start out as a sociopath but due to extreme trauma and repeated abuse I sorta became one and as I was growing up I realized what I was becoming and would think about my funeral and how people would respond to my death ( I was 10 at the time ). I didn’t want to become a serial killer it seemed kinda lonely and not what I wanted. So I set about redesigning my personality and character. Later, as the years passed I had learned to practice cognitive empathy on a daily basis almost as a religion. After 23 years of trying to undo the damage that was done to me and return to my original self I finally felt authentic empathy. I began to see the world differently and my relationships improved. I began to see abuse towards others whether by me or someone else or even an apath condoning the abuse as abuse against me. I started to understand our interconnectedness more clearly. I eventually became an empath as I was likely always one but the trauma had rewired my brain towards sociopathic tendencies. Yes I used to do cruel things and had difficulty relating to people’s emotional world due to emotional numbing……..not a problem now. The problem with being an empath is that they are often targets to psychopaths, typically because in an unhealthy state they are codependent (covert narcissism) but as I became emotionally healthier I become more of a realist and had to make a conscious decision to raise my level of narcissism in order to protect myself but only to a point where is was for self protection and not to a level of becoming the thing I had come to despise ( an abuser ). Now after vacillating between the two extremes I find myself somewhere where I would imagine law enforcement often falls. I want to hunt the bad guys (abusers) and end them. Granted people in law enforcement and setting governmental policies for the supposed betterment of society are often psychopaths and narcissist themselves I am not quite like them either. I don’t want to abuse the abuser nor do I find enjoyment at the thought of killing them off. I really just want to sterilize them and lock them away and treat them kindly if they earn it if they don’t earn it then solitary. If no hope of them to be nothing but a detriment to their own species then regretfully yes kill them. I’m thinking of the most violent and destructive the rest would be interesting to study and perhaps rehabilitate. Humanity is a really dumb monkey species and they will be the cause of their own extinction……if we don’t rein in the destructive members and evolve bringing empaths in charge then we are doomed to extinction. What is the psychopath’s place in our social ecosystem…….what is their purpose but to be a parasitic virus that needs excising. So while I’m not sure what to call what I am as I’m more of a hybrid, people like me are probably like society’s immune system and not a detriment.


      • James 13:11 on November 6, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        People like you should terrify society. Your final solution “for the greater good” has been tried before by others like you who were convinced they were right. Thank G-d you are not in power.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Amaterasu Solar 11:14 on November 7, 2017 Permalink | Reply

          My solution has everything to do with removing the tools to power over Others. We just now have the technology to do that, historically speaking. One of the key technologies is hidden and suppressed, but I personally know it’s there…

          Anyway, if the tools to power over Others are removed, though We cannot solve for Individuals choosing unEthical behaviors, We are then dealing with Individuals who have to do Their dirty work personally, as opposed to being able to pay Others in huge numbers to do it.

          I do not advocate any “precrime” – like genetic discrimination – and only advocate for the Ethical solving of any problem any Individual chooses to create.

          I will be posting My latest video to the end of solving for the psychopaths in control on Our planet shortly.


          • James 07:14 on November 8, 2017 Permalink | Reply

            Deleted this nazi shite from our rabbit friend. Yes, there is no freedom of speech on my blog posts. Sue me.


            • Amaterasu Solar 15:49 on November 8, 2017 Permalink | Reply

              NAZI??? Me? The Nazis want to be in control of the planet. What I propose is Individuals in control of Self, within three Laws of Ethics. But thanks for the delete, dear One. I’m sure the psychopaths in control are happy that You deleted it. LOLOL!


              • James 13:26 on November 9, 2017 Permalink | Reply

                Not you, the comment you replied to, from Bunny Foo Foo. But yours got deleted as well, because it was a reply.

                Liked by 1 person

          • James 07:15 on November 8, 2017 Permalink | Reply

            Amy: leaving a whole week between posts is perfect. Thanks for addressing my earlier concerns.


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