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  • James 14:21 on May 12, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: anti-Semitism, , demonic psychopaths, demons, , , , illuminati, , mythbusters, myths, myths about psychopaths, myths and reality, , , neurology, , , , , psychosis, relationships, reptiles, retards, ,   

    Mythbusting psychopathy (part the second) 

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    Here we are again, back to kick more stupid myths into the long grass where they belong.

    What myths or misconceptions about things would you like to bust, if only people would listen?


    MYTH: Psychopaths have no emotions.

    This is one myth psychopaths themselves (and narcissists) love to propagate to enhance their mystique, but it’s bullshit. Everyone has emotions. The only living people with no emotions are comatose or else so severely brain-damaged they can only live with the help of a life-support machine. Even dementia patients with little or no sense of self, a completely blank memory and utter dependency on caregivers show signs of emotion when properly stimulated.

    Psychopathic emotions are selfish and inward-looking. In my experience, these emotions are often fleeting and can change rapidly. Some emotions are very blunted and don’t really cause much of a change in mood, while others can be so strong they temporarily obsess or enthral the psychopath. It can also be the case that the physical signs of an emotion are there (e.g. sweaty palms, quick heart rate, out of breath) but the psychopath feels calm in themselves, in their mind.


    MYTH: Psychopaths are crazy, or ‘psychotic’

    Psychopathy and psychosis are two different things. Just because a word looks similar, doesn’t mean they refer to the same thing. Psychotic people are people who have lost their grip on reality; they may hear voices, hallucinate or show magical thinking. They are very much not in control of their behaviour and generally need close medical attention for their own and others’ safety. Many otherwise healthy people suffer from psychotic episodes throughout their lives, and often recover with time or medication. Schizophrenia is an example of a psychotic disorder.

    Psychopaths are fully aware of their surroundings, their behaviour and the consequences of that behaviour. Psychopaths do not have a conscience, and are not unwell in the normal sense of the word, nor will they ‘recover’ with time or medical help. As a personality disorder with roots in an individual’s genetic makeup, this is who they are for life. Both psychopaths and psychotic people can be dangerous and violent, but many are not.

    “I’m not strange, weird, off, nor crazy, my reality is just different from yours.” – the Cheshire Cat

    There is absolutely no reason I can see why a psychopath couldn’t develop a psychotic disorder separate to and unaffected by their psychopathy. This is called co-morbidity. In fact anyone can reach sub-clinical psychosis simply by staying awake for abnormally long periods of time (symptoms start kicking in beyond the 36 hour mark). I’ve tried it once or twice; it’s an interesting experience, though not an especially pleasant one. I heard shouting voices in my head and felt off balance when I tried to walk. Overall, my memory of the experience is fuzzy. Yay, temporary brain damage!

    Oh, while we’re on this subject, unlike what certain pop psychology crackpots would have you believe, “psychopathology” is not the study of psychopaths, nor is it anything whatsoever to do with psychopaths. Psychopathology is the psychiatric version of pathology, therefore it is the study of all mental illnesses and psychological disorders / abnormalities. I repeat, similar-looking words don’t always have the same meaning!


    MYTH: My psychopathic ex planned to ensnare, manipulate and abuse me from the start of our relationship

    Psychopaths enter relationships in a very positive frame of mind; they often love everything about the other person and are so obsessed they want to learn every tiny little detail about them, know their entire history and the full spectrum of their emotions and thoughts. In extreme cases, the psychopath may have a painful urge to possess or climb inside their new partner. They try to please the other person by mirroring them closely and being the ideal mate for them.

    After a period of time, this effort is exhausting and the other person starts to lose their appeal. Most psychopaths’ relationships stall at this point as the other person ceases to have any interest. It’s all just the same old person, same old stuff. Boredom sets in, and the psychopath either moves on without a backward glance (I prefer this), or else takes their anger and frustration out on the other person.

    I have no citation for this and am just recounting from experience; you’ll just have to take my word for it (or not). If anyone can find actual research done in this field that contradicts me and not just pull up Lovefraud or similar bilge, that would be very welcome.


    MYTH: Psychopaths are in all the positions of power and are the puppet masters behind an international conspiracy to bring about a new world order.

    Image result for illuminati funnyWhile there are undoubtedly psychopaths in high places, including bankers, businesspeople and world leaders, the idea of them all working together behind the scenes for not just years, but decades, is frankly absurd.

    Listen, I don’t have any evidence to back this up, but psychopaths are not nearly co-operative enough for this to work. We don’t tend to get on well with each other, and are not known for our willingness to work in teams. Every single one of the conspirators would want the top job in the Illuminati and would be working to eliminate the competition, i.e. each other. The bloody thing would not get off the ground.

    And of course, when you realise this is the exact same idea as the Evil Zionist conspiracy theory, the exact same poisonous garbage just with the word “Jew” switched for “psychopath”, you know what kind of beast you’re dealing with.


    MYTH: Psychopaths are lizard men in skinsuits

    No, just no. You are welcome to verify that by getting hold of your nearest psychopath and opening him up to check all his lungs and bones and whatever else you humans have inside you are in the right place. You might need the help of a surgeon, except she’ll probably be a psychopath too and will naturally be in league with one of her kind, so you see the flaw in the plan? But seriously, demonising people (even psychopaths) is, apart from being rather insulting, a lazy way out of trying to understand why others are different. Speaking of demonisation…


    MYTH: Psychopaths are demons from hell

    Hell is a fairy tale designed to scare the gullible into obeying the clergy – who as you’ll remember are all psychopaths of course. The idea of demons may well originate from uneducated mediaeval people’s encounters with illnesses they couldn’t explain, such as epilepsy and schizophrenia. In fact, enough ignorants are still unconvinced about this that there is a whole department of the Royal College of Surgeons dedicated to correcting idiotic superstitions among certain communities.

    Despite the hysterical imaginations of cretins who swear they’ve seen a satanic glint in the eyes of their psychopath, I assure you I am not a demon, I am a liz-… human like you (I’m assuming here. If there are any non-humans reading this, I’d love to hear from you.)

    Talk to me. Read part 1 here.

    • Amaterasu Solar 15:53 on May 12, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Excellent article, James. Indeed, I have had many mistake psychotic with psychopathic. But I will explain that indeed there ARE psychopaths in control on this planet, who inbreed to retain the psychopathic gene. In fact, grasping that psychopaths alone would not think much past Themselves to a future They would likely not see in Their lifetime, I was at first mystified by the clear (to Me, I suppose) evidence of a very long-term plan, a generational plan, being played out before Us on the literal world stage (what We see are actors following a script written by Ones We do not see and who have the ultimate control). I have theories, and My highest probability goes to an ET influence that has these top level psychopaths convinced that They are doing “satan’s” work (“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” – Arthur C Clarke).

      Others give highest probability that it IS “satan,” or demons, or interdimensional Beings, or other metaphysical elements. As I have no evidence that such metaphysical things exist, but, in reading ancient texts and legends from around the globe, I feel I have enough to suggest ET has been interacting with Our planet a long while and that ET lives substantially longer than do We. I favor things that have 3D+T explanations, and so ET is My highest probability.

      Overall, though, a very good explanation of things.


      • James 09:43 on May 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        Thank you for your praise, it’s always welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed the article.

        Unfortunately the rest of your comment would indicate a psychosis on your part, though I understand if you don’t see it that way. I do not believe in Satan or the supernatural, and since the validity of your claims seem to based on the assumption that both exist and play an active role in shaping the universe, I can’t possibly take your claims seriously, so won’t even pretend to.

        Don’t take this the wrong way, I still like you 🙂


        • Amaterasu Solar 11:18 on May 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply

          Hardly “psychosis.” Decades of research and a keen grasp that money promotes psychopaths to power, aiding in promoting Them to power in top-down controlmind (government) systems. You can dismiss My observations, and I will still like You as well. [smile]


      • Zachary 07:50 on May 27, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        What a twat


    • nowve666 16:22 on May 12, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      ROTFLMAO!!! I laughed my head off reading that. These myths that annoy me of course were funny to read about in your debunking article. I really liked what you said about relationships. That’s such a refreshing insight after all the bull about “lovebombing” as if we just stalked future love partners as prey and pretended interest (for what end?). Of course, some people could do that in order to get money from someone who has it. These people don’t need to be psychopaths. And NTs sometimes fall in love rapidly and then lose interest too. But then the person jilted can go to Lovefraud and call that person a “psychopath” whether he was or not.

      The myth about psychopaths ruling the world and causing all the problems is one I find particularly irksome. I’m glad you compared it to the anti-Semitic myths, particularly about the Rothschilds. As a Jew, I get pissed off whenever I hear this, especially when it comes from people who are otherwise politically sympathisch. I even blogged about the similarities between anti-psychopath scapegoating and the anti-Semitic kind.

      I laughed myself silly over the one about the reptiles. I think our moms would have noticed upon giving birth if their baby had scaly skin and so forth. Ditto to the one about demons. It’s human, all-too-human to want to demonize people who push our buttons. I don’t think people can face the fact that behavior they disapprove of is part of the human spectrum. I also don’t think anybody deserves to go to Hell. Not even Ronald Reagan, the person I most loath. The fact that most people (at least in the Western world) believe God, a supreme being would put anyone in such a place for all eternity only goes to show how dark the human psyche is capable of being.

      Thank you for this excellent post and for being my friend.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Amaterasu Solar 18:07 on May 12, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        I may point out that if psychopaths were NOT in control, thet the bulk of the planet flows to very Few here, and They choose not to truly help – 99% of money donated by ANYONE to “charities” goes to pay ridiculous salaries at the high end – and given that some of these People could end poverty ten and more times over yet choose not to…suggests psychopathy. If They were caring Beings, They would be caring for Humanity… And given the psychopathic things We see – GMO’s, “geoengineering” with toxic elements, fake events touted as “reality,” and on and on… It becomes clear the Ones at the top are, indeed, psychopaths, inbreeding to retain the psychopath gene.


        • nowve666 18:52 on May 12, 2017 Permalink | Reply

          There is a basic logical error here. You point out that there are lots of things wrong with the world we live in.
          Then you jump to the conclusion that it must be because psychopaths are in control of the world. What you are missing is a causal link between these two propositions. You assume that anyone who does anything wrong or unethical must be a psychopath. If that were true, there would be many more psychopaths than the 1% estimated by the experts. Have you looked at the PCL-R, the “gold standard” test for psychopathy? There are 20 items on the list. You only mention one: lack of caring.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Amaterasu Solar 11:15 on May 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply

            The causal link? Money. The accounting for Human energy added into the system, required to survive. “If You have to account for Your energy to anOther to survive, You are NOT free; You are a slave.”

            That power over Others that money provides is what give the psychopaths in control the drive to get it and retain it. Money systems promote psychopaths to power.


            • nowve666 12:16 on May 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply

              So only psychopaths go for money? Psychopaths like money. Nons also like money. Don’t tell me you don’t like money, Amaterasu. Everyone likes money. That doesn’t mean that everyone has money. Nor have you shown that have more than anyone else. Psychopaths exist on every level of the class structure. What “decades of research?” And doesn’t money promote whomever has it to power, psychopath or not?

              You talk about ETs but offered no evidence that ETs are working with psychopaths. I don’t think you’re psychotic. I just think you need to study the syllogism. Wikipedia says, “A syllogism (Greek: συλλογισμός syllogismos, ‘conclusion, inference’) is a kind of logical argument that applies deductive reasoning to arrive at a conclusion based on two or more propositions that are asserted or assumed to be true.” You start with a premise. For example, if your premise is “only psychopaths seek and get money,” then follow it with “only people with money have power,” your conclusion can be “psychopaths have all the power.” But your first premise is wrong. Psychopaths are not the only ones who seek and get money (and power). Therefore, your syllogism breaks down.


              • Amaterasu Solar 14:47 on May 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply

                I did not say only psychopaths go for money – surely We all do as that is how We survive on this planet. BUT, psychopaths are the Ones who will do ANYTHING to get money/power over Others. And They do, accumulating money/power over Others far more than Others who have limits to what They will do for it, because of conscience and caring.

                And I don’t think the THEORY of ET needs proof. Geez. Did You notice I gave it as a theory based on ancient texts and legends. If I had proof, it wouldn’t be a theory, now would it. I am just saying that the plans, the scripts written, are clearly generational. And without some long-term direction, psychopaths would not work for things that are beyond Their life span. Ergo I THEORIZE an ET involvement on this planet. A PSYCHOPATHIC ET involvement.


                • nowve666 16:16 on May 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply

                  Ama, your proposition that “psychopaths are the Ones who will do ANYTHING to get money/power over Others,” must be based on the fact that we do not have a conscience. Since freedom from conscience enables us to do anything, you assume that we WILL do anything to get money/power. I addressed that issue in my blog at https://kiasherosjourney.wordpress.com/2016/04/16/free-to-choose/ where I pointed out the freedom to do something doesn’t mean that we will inevitably do it. There are reasons why a psychopath wouldn’t “do anything for money.” In my case, I never really cared about money as long as I had enough to satisfy my rather modest desires. Sure, I could hold up a liquor store, I suppose. That would get me more money but it could also get me a stretch of prison time. I don’t want money that badly. Furthermore, as James and I have both tried to point out, non-psychopaths can and have done terrible things for money. If they are not psychopaths, they probably feel guilty afterwards. Having a conscience doesn’t prevent everyone from doing wrong. You just can’t assume someone is a psychopath because he has done something you consider terrible. That’s why they have tests and expert diagnoses.

                  I wasn’t poo-pooing the idea that there are extra-terrestrials. I just think the idea that they are in league with psychopaths is far-fetched.


                  • Amaterasu Solar 16:58 on May 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply

                    I am not saying that ALL psychopaths WILL do that. I am saying that MANY of Them will. While Those who are not psychopaths will stop short, in high probability, thereby giving the many psychopaths that will do anything the upper hand in gaining power over Others. Ergo, money systems promote psychopaths. And money long ago promoted certain families (ones We seldom hear of, even) to the top, and They inbreed to retain the gene, and have a generational plan to take over the planet – and the reason I give highest probability for Them doing this is that there is some influence that is directing Them, that has a longer life span than Us Humans. Else there would be no such “new world order” plan.


                    • James 18:03 on May 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply

                      But there is no “new world order” plan, so that solves that 😛

                      Trust me, Amy, we do not have enough family loyalty to spend our lives on a plan that only our great-great-great-grandchildren might benefit from. Your theory of psychopathic families hatching a plot over centuries doesn’t hold water. Now there may be a type of personality that does behave in that way, but they are not psychopaths because their behaviour is illogical from a psychopathic point of view. If I’m going to enact a new world order to put me in charge of planet Earth, I’m going to do it now, while I’m still around to enjoy it. Fuck future generations, I wouldn’t even share power with my living family, nevermind some hypothetical descendants.

                      As for being directed by ET; fuck ET! ET would be my bitch, not the other way around.


                      • Amaterasu Solar 19:05 on May 13, 2017 Permalink

                        That’s why We can find “leaders” like George H W Bush talking about it. MANY of Them have brought up the NWO. So I guess We can concluded it’s fictional, right? Do a search for quote “New World Order” and see just how many “leaders” have brought it up.


                      • nowve666 20:54 on May 13, 2017 Permalink

                        Our money has “Novus Ordo Seclorum” under a truncated pyramid. I guess that’s Latin for “New World Order” “Thus the motto Novus ordo seclorum can be translated as “A new order of the ages.” It was proposed by Charles Thomson, the Latin expert who was involved in the design of the Great Seal of the United States, to signify “the beginning of the new American Era” as of the date of the Declaration of Independence.” So this is a very old thing. Dates all the way back to the Declaration of Independence. You think the Founding Fathers were psychopaths?

                        Seriously, Amy. The “New World Order” is talked about a lot. But that doesn’t make it any more “real” than the Illuminati nor God, for that matter. These things have a certain meaning but not the conspiratorial one that’s so popular on the internet. And, as James said, psychopaths are not into that kind of sacrificial planning that would be needed to build some future dystopia. We’re more into the here and now.


                      • James 03:59 on May 14, 2017 Permalink

                        The “NWO” mentioned on your banknotes is, and always was, the shifting of power away from the old world of empires and kings and towards the New World, i.e. America. That has pretty much happened over the past 200 years, and now the pendulum is swinging the other way, back east and towards Asia for the first time in about six centuries. I’d say the “New” World Order was a bit past its sell by date, wouldn’t you?

                        Liked by 1 person

                      • nowve666 13:14 on May 14, 2017 Permalink

                        My point. The NWO is nothing new. Just as the Illuminati was an ancient order in Bavaria that had nothing to do with the conspiracy theories, the NWO is basically a concept politicians can now evoke when needed. It can mean whatever someone wants it to mean.


                      • Amaterasu Solar 08:33 on May 14, 2017 Permalink

                      • James 03:54 on May 14, 2017 Permalink

                        Or you could show me a video clip of at least one leader mentioning it 🙂

                        Anyway, you fixated on the least important part of my comment. Fact is, I can’t prove there’s no NWO conspiracy (just as you can’t prove there is one), but I have made a good stab at proving it’s not psychopaths. How about addressing that, largest and most important point of my comment?


      • James 09:54 on May 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply

        Yes, when I hatched out of my egg, my mother was quick to dismiss any fleeting similarities between myself and Gary, our pet gecko.

        Hell is a brutal concept really, and I can see how people might believe it justified for really horrible individuals to go there for a limited period of time, but an eternity of neverending torture seems unjustly cruel even for someone like Stalin or Hitler (or Reagan). I can understand centuries, maybe even millennia, of agonising punishment being reasonably well-deserved, but an eternity? God is one cold motherfucker. It’s ridiculously out of proportion to any evil even the worst human is capable of committing.

        Liked by 1 person

        • nowve666 10:08 on May 13, 2017 Permalink | Reply

          Right. As mortals, we are incapable of infinite evil. We are finite. Infinite punishment for finite crimes is absurd.


    • Amaterasu Solar 17:17 on May 16, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Well this is weird. I got an email of a post here by nowve666 discussing the cremation of care ceremony at Bohemian Grove (something I already knew about this), and other stuff which She rightly points out supports My research on the psychopaths in control. But when I get here… It’s not. Can’t see it anywhere. Any clue what’s up there?

      Liked by 1 person

    • nowve666 17:52 on May 16, 2017 Permalink | Reply

      Amy, I can’t see it either. How weird. Maybe James didn’t approve it.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jul 11:24 on October 11, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      Construct a box. Any box. Make it any size or shape you want. Set up studies but ensure that they take place withon the space occupied by that box. You will be a smart intelligent person, as long as you only venture within that box. The moment you step outside of that box, you are worse than useless.
      The best trap is the one you put up yourself, epecially one that is set up to mimic your mental capacities and patterns as much as possible.

      I have said before that psychopathy isn’t really a thing. Don’t believe me. What can you do with it that is beneficial? Is it something to be feared or detested? Does it assist you in life?

      Grab some history books and study them. You’ll be surprised. But I’ll save you buying at least one book.

      Only Clergy could read in 15th Century. Nicholas Copernicus was a clergyman. He discovered the earth rotates around the sun. He waited until a few weeks before his death to release the manuscript. He knew what would happen.
      Without a knowledge of history, you only have your box of constructed knowledge not based on reality. Crippling your social ability under a self imposed social stigma, without even getting paid to do it, doesn’t seem smart to me. If somwone is giving me a handicap to fail, they should be paying me for it.

      As for psychopathy? One can create ideas, including such an idea as psychopathy.


      • GeneticPsychosMom (Tina) 13:58 on October 11, 2020 Permalink | Reply

        Hi Jul, people have a neurological condition from birth called psychopathy. It can be viewed on MRI scans. It’s a scientific fact, so I don’t “believe” you.


    • Jul 19:36 on October 11, 2020 Permalink | Reply

      Aren’t you planning to get them put away? How do you propose to get someone to give up their life or their ability to succeed? Isn’t a pursuit of destruction of wholesale ability of others a criminal or insane goal as itself?


  • Tina (GeneticPsychosMom) 17:08 on December 29, 2015 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , divorce, , , , , , , infidelity, , , , , , relationships, secrets,   

    What Would a Psychopath Do? A Victim Tells 


    In response to Daca’s letter, “Dear Chump Lady, He apologized to the OW for not leaving me”:

    Someone who wants to keep things secret – and who has successfully done so for so long – doesn’t just accidentally leave his email open one day when he goes out of town, leaving you unfettered access.

    Until I went No Contact, I didn’t realize that many of my discoveries were orchestrated. He would “accidentally” leave his Facebook account open, his phone unlocked, etc. It was part of the mindfuck – always just enough information to make me feel crazy while allowing him to rage about my “trust issues” when confronted. He got to feel important in a very sick way for a very long time.

    Your husband set this one up, Daca. That’s my theory.

    I’m really sorry you’re going through this. I don’t have any advice to give you, since it took me a really long time to leave and it’s too fresh for me to make sense of yet. But I remember those days/nights of feeling sick to my stomach, so anxious I’d be shaking, knowing a huge blowout was coming if I confronted him on what new information I’d found. But I could never stay silent and he would be steadfast in his lies; I once had an email from one of many OW admitting to sex and he still called me crazy and denied it all. On top of it, he’d turn it all around, literally screaming about how awful I was and how much he hated me until I would relent to salvage my own shards of sanity for just that day. Then he’d punish me with distance I could never breach, no matter how much I begged. Your letter takes me back to those sad days and I’m really sorry that you had such a terrible Christmas, knowing what you faced. Just know you’re not alone.

    I also 100% understand your paralysis. Leaving three years after Discovery Day was like chewing off my own arm – I didn’t want to do it (still don’t) and was desperate to find signs of change in his every action, even to the bitter end. It’s so counterintuitive to suddenly grow boundaries and standards after years of neglecting them, especially when we’ve been so isolated. I don’t know about you, but I spent a lot of time lying to other people about the marriage, since I knew I’d come off as unstable if they knew what I had put up with for so long. It’s too “heavy” for the good, normal people to see the inside of such a sick relationship so their typical reaction is to run. The average person doesn’t get the whole sociopath, narcissist thing – they dismiss cheating and the associated gaslighting as you being bitter, at fault, etc. You learn to stay silent and keep your distance.

    So then you’re left with having to muster incredible, super-human strength at your lowest point with nowhere to turn anymore. You have to dust off the boundaries and self-worth you perhaps never even had in the first place in a really isolated place, giving up everything you know to leave someone you still love. You have to call lawyers, fight over assets, move, sell the house, explain to children and loved ones, all while struggling to keep a job and not simply roll over and die. Then you have to weather life alone and suddenly have to do everything you’d previously shared responsibility for, even it if was with a total asshole, alone – from carrying groceries and sharing bills to decorating the Christmas tree and planning for retirement. It’s fucking brutal and breathtaking in its pain. And as the final act of cruelty, you get to watch your former spouse, the person who had promised to love you forever, skip into the sunset with their true love while you contemplate spending life alone. You realize you probably never really meant anything to your X anyway and all your suffering was for nothing – they just picked up and soldiered on to their next target(s) with their laserbeam of sparkles in tow, like the past decade or two meant nothing.

    I don’t have any answers for you but there are many people on Chumplady.com who have been through all of that and have come out the other side.Their mightiness and clarity is what keeps me coming back to Chump Nation. Today is six weeks of No Contact for me. It’s sick and counterproductive, but, I still check out his social media and am heartbroken with every stupid Instagram picture of him having fun in his new fabulous life, each eliciting dozens of “likes” from his followers. Yup, I’ll just eat my oatmeal alone this morning in my tiny apartment with nowhere to be and no one to see.

    All that being said, one thing I think about on my better days, and it may help you, is that staying meant I would never have been OK – ever. As Chump Lady says, this pain is finite. I’d still be waking up at 3 a.m. in a panic, knowing I had to get out. The devil I knew was still the devil. I’d still be engaged in the battle for remorse and change, trying to extract love from someone who had none for me. I’d still be begging for affection (literally), trying to convince him I was worth loving through years of fruitless efforts – I think we saw four therapists in the past decade, maybe more.

    Stone cold - uncaringNothing worked – not therapy, or vacations, or new lingerie. I couldn’t love him out of it, I couldn’t hate him out of it, I couldn’t cry him out of it, or beg enough, or try hard enough, or pull another 360, or dye my hair a different colour, or lose weight, or get a better job, or find more friends, or wear better clothes, feign indifference, pretend it never happened, pretend to be cool with it, and on and on. I kept getting angrier and older, farther down the rabbit hole. And he was OK with it all. He was, frankly, very Meh about me, as long as I didn’t encroach too much on his space with my expectations. He was OK watching me slowly wither and die.

    Eventually, I faced a decision. It was like that movie, 127 Hours: cut off my own arm [my husband] to save my life or die stuck. I definitely wish I didn’t have to make it. But I have my dignity and a second chance now. It’s up to me to make something of it.

    Excerpt from a comment by Sad in Seattle on Chumplady.com “Dear Chump Lady, He apologized to the OW for not leaving me”

    Photos courtesy The Atlantic, and  Shop Equipment


    Psychopath TEST Politicians



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